Justice League Review

I don't care if I am being too brutal but this is going to be a really honest review about the great movie i.e., Justice League.

I am tired of superhero movies just as much as the other person but I have become accustomed to it. With TV offering such diverse shows with different plots, I don't mind if all the movies have to offer are the superhero movies. That being said, what I do mind are crappy movies made just for the sake of looting some money. Justice League is one of them.

Yes that makes for a great wallpaper but does it matter if the movie is shit?

The movie starts with everyone being all emo over superman being dead (especially the most emo hero to ever grace planet earth BATMAN). For some random reason, we cut to themyscira with the amazons wearing bikinis for godknows what and this clown-looking villian (Steppenwolf) stealing motherbox, an infinite energy source. Without giving too much away, the rest of the movie is all about how Justice league (AKA POWERPUFF GIRLS) stop evil Mojo Jojo (Steppenwolf) from destroying the world. 
Seriously. Who looks more fierce? My vote goes to fukin Jojo.

Let's start with something basic. The script. Lois Lane and Superman's mom have an emotional scene and the script decides to throw in a horrible joke at that moment. Thirstier.. I mean hungrier.. like wtf? Is that how you alleviate the tension in such an emotional scene? With a sexual joke that looked so out of place and context. Okay, sure. It's the movies and women are too sensitive to these sort of things (even though it's freakin pathetic). What about the horrible shitty dialogue between aquaman and batman? The editing was piss poor. You spent so many dollars and couldn't do decent editing? You'd find a good one off of craiglist you shitstains! 

Let's talk about the movie itself. For once, I was excited to see a superhero movie because I watched Justice League the cartoon series when I was a kid, but It was super freakin short and it's not because I enjoyed the movie (It was a shitty movie) but it actually was super short. Like ya know when you are super excited to go visit a restaurant but then they serve raw duck kinda deal. And the Villian in the movie. Oh my god! I swear to god.. TEAM ROCKET WOULD HAVE GIVEN A BETTER FIGHT THAN THIS STEPPENOOB-KUN! He was a football on the battlefield. Everyone kicked him around like a fool and it was goal EVERY DAMN TIME. If I had a dime to give to this movie, I'd instead swallow it and die so I don't have to give the dime to the damn movie. 

In the end, the powerpuff girls win. That's all you need to know.


  1. Ah! Jojo was any day a fantastic villain. I have kids now but I still like to watch this show. Moreover, I found some amazing shows by Andy Yeatman on Netflix. I don’t feel like watching other grown stuff anymore. I am having a good time watching these series with my kids.


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